Purpose of the group
The core point of our analysis is to focus on the “ideas of democracy”, that is on the fundamental elements of electoral legislation as the basic junction in the relationship between representative institutions and political community. Therefore, the investigation line shall try to identify the concept of democracy, where the two poles are embodied by the model of compromise-oriented democracy, based on the role of Parliaments and political parties, which is usually called Kelsenian democracy from the one hand and of a more competitive democracy, on the lines of the Schumpeterian leadership democracy, from the other hand.
Forthcoming events:
Summer School, Luiss School of Government, 8-19 July 2019 – Challenges to Representation? Democracy, elections and party competition in the XXIst century.
A conference is planned for November 2020 on Judicial review of electoral processes and the populist rhetoric (TBC).
Past events
29-30 November 2018 - Bocconi University (Milan), Conference on Electoral law and constitutional adjudication
G. Romeo (ed), Judicial Review and Electoral Law in Comparative Perspective, Special Issue - Law and Contemporary Problems, planned for 1/2021 with essays by: E. Bottini, R. Diwakar, C. Fasone, P. Passaglia, E. Voyakis, R. Watt.
Co-ordinator and contact details:
- Graziella Romeo
Bocconi University -
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- Cristina Fasone
LUISS University -
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