l'Association Internationale de Droit Constitutionnel || The International Association of Constitutional Law
03 - 04 October 2024
Jointly organized by
- The International Association of Constitutional Law (IACL)
- Department of Legal and Economic Studies, Sapienza University of Rome
Sapienza University, Faculty of Law
Address: Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5, 00185 Roma RM, Italy
Sapienza Università di Roma, Facoltà di Giurisprudenza
Indirizzo: Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5, 00185 Roma RM, Italia
Mon 24 Jun 2024 09.30 - 17.20
Tue 25 Jun 2024 10.00 - 16.40
Emeroteca (Badia Fiesolana) and Zoom
On May 30-31, 2024, within the International Association of Constitutional Law (IACL), the Research Group on “Constitutional Responses to Terrorism”, chaired by Prof. Kim L. Scheppele (Princeton University, United States) and coordinated by Prof. Arianna Vedaschi (Bocconi University, Italy), will hold its Annual Workshop on “Advanced Technologies in Emergencies. The Downfall of the Transparency Principle in Counter-Terrorism and Warfare?”. The event, supported by the Asociación de Constitucionalistas de España (ACE – Spanish Association of Constitutional Law), is organized by Associate Prof. Susana Sánchez Ferro (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) and the venue will be the Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales in Madrid (Spain).
Veuillez vous inscrire le plus tôt possible et assurez-vous de conserver vos billets
Table Ronde française placée sous le patronage de l’Association Internationale de Droit Constitutionnel avec le concours de l’Association française de droit constitutionnel
jusqu’au 15 mars 2024
Xavier Philippe
Professeur de droit public, membre du comité exécutif de l’Association internationale de droit constitutionnel
Philippe Blachèr
Professeur de droit public, membre du Conseil d’administration de l’Association française de droit constitutionnel, Université Jean Moulin Lyon III
The International Association of Constitutional Law Research Group Discrimination in Post-Conflict Constitutions is cordially inviting to the International Conference Constitutional Changes in Post-Conflict Societies through the lens of Transitional Justice
Date: 15 April 2024, 9.00 – 16.00
(Central European Summer Time – CEST, Greenwich Mean Time – GMT + 2)
Venue: Faculty of Law, University of Sarajevo,
Obala Kulina bana 7, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, lecture hall 141
Online: Zoom Meeting ID 977 2467 6981
Launch Zoom meeting
Langue: English/French
3-4 October 2024
Sapienza University of Rome, Faculty of Law
Rome, Italy
Throughout history, constitutional democracies have faced significant challanges. In recent years, however, the threats to constitutional democracies have escalated to potentially jeopardizing their very nature, despite regular election processesgiving the impression of a stable democracy. It is crucial to reexamine the relationship between democracy and the rule of law, the foundation of constitutional democracy. The concept of democratic backsliding’ leading to ‘hybrid regimes’, going under the different labels of ‘illiberal democracy’, ‘electoral autocracy’, or ‘populist regimes’ needs to be analyzed and discussed in terms of democratic transformation and deviation from constitutional democracy. Given these premises, this Roundtable will pay attention both to the empirical question of how democratic backsliding has developed in different countries, and to the theoretical features of the concept as distinguished from (but also connected with) the various versions of hybrid regimes.
Date: March 1, 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm TST (7 am – 9 am CET)
Moderator: Jiunn-Rong Yeh (Chair Professor, College of Law,National Taiwan University)
Speaker of Opening Remarks: Ruti Teitel (Ernst C. Stiefel Professor of Comparative Law, New York Law School)
Anna Sledzinska-Simon
Associate Professor of Constitutional Law, Department of Law, Administration, Economy, University of Wroclaw, Poland
Alexei Trochev
Associate Professor, Department of Political Science and International Relations, Nazarbayev University,Kazakhstan
Yi-Li Lee
Assistant Professor, Institute of Law for Science and Technology, National Tsing Hua University
Wen-Chen Chang
Distinguished Professor, College of Law, National Taiwan University
Oran Doyle
Research Professor, Institutum Iurisprudentiae, Academia Sinica
Yen-Tu Su
Research Professor, Institutum Iurisprudentiae, Academia Sinica
Cheng-Yi Huang
Research Professor, Institutum Iurisprudentiae, Academia Sinica
Baghdad, 19-20 January 2024
Date:Tuesday 13 December 2022
Time:5:30pm - 7:00pm
Host:Centre for Comparative Constitutional Studies (CCCS)
on the 50th Anniversary of the Stockholm Conference
20 - 21 October 2022
Venue: Union of Turkish Bars Associations, Lawyer Özdemir Özok Congress and Culture Center
Adress: Oğuzlar Mahallesi, Av. Özdemir Özok Sokak, No:8, 06520 Balgat - Ankara
Jointly organized by
The International Association of Constitutional Law (IACL), Union of Turkish Bar Associations, Municipality of Çankaya, The Association of Research on Constitutional Law (Anayasa-Der) & The International Center for Comparative Environmental Law (CIDCE).
The IACL Round Table on “Political sentiments and moral emotions in Constitutional Law” was successfully organised in Cordoba, Argentina, on August 9-10, 2022.
The main organiser of the RT, Professor Pablo Riberi, has kindly put at the IACL's disposal some of the communications from the RT and the recordings of the sessions.
Rejoignez-nous pour le panel de clôture du Forum des jeunes chercheurs 2022 de l'IACL
Emplacement: En ligne
Temps: 14h30 : Vancouver | 16h30 : Mexico | 17h30 : Cambridge (MA) et Ottawa | 15 septembre, à 7h30 : Melbourne
Le 14 septembre, de 17h30 à 18h30 sur Zoom (Ottawa, Canada), le Centre de droit public de l’Université d’Ottawa et l’UNAM Institute for Legal Research tiendront le panel de clôture du Forum des jeunes chercheurs de l'Association internationale de droit constitutionnel (IACL-AIDC).
Rejoignez-nous pour le panel d'ouverture du Forum des jeunes chercheurs 2022 de AIDC
Emplacement : En ligne
Temps: 8h30 : Mexico et Bogotá | 9h30 : Ottawa, Windsor et Miami | 16h30 : Ankara | 19h00 : Colombo | 23h30 : Melbourne
Le 8 septembre, de 9h30 à 11h sur Zoom (Ottawa, Canada), le Centre de droit public de l’Université d’Ottawa et l’UNAM Institute for Legal Research tiendront le panel d'ouverture du Forum des jeunes chercheurs de l'Association internationale de droit constitutionnel (IACL-AIDC).
Beyond practical reason and/or economic rationality do any other human distinctive features reflect on constitutional law? Is it possible to identify any range of moral feelings and/or emotional mind-states as normatively relevant in terms of constitutional decision-making? Do atavistic political sentiments still count? Why do similar written constitutions –with almost identical provisions- not exhibit similar levels of compliance?
Throughout history, in various geographies, it is crystal clear that certain individuals' moral and character skills have been key data for predicting social cohesion and civil cooperation. A wide range of savvy philosophers, politicians, and constitutional scholars have delved into this issue. Aristotle, Cicero, N. Machiavelli, T. Hobbes, JJ. Rousseau, D. Hume, Robespierre, T. Jefferson, J. Madison, M. Weber, H. Arendt, B. Williams, R. Hardin, M. Nussbaum, J. Habermas, T. Nagel, J. Elster, M. Sandel, A. Sajó; all of them are examples of this unstable trend.
On the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations Stockholm Conference
(IACL roundtable on “Environment, Climate Change and Constitutionalism”, The Union of Turkish Bar Associations, Ankara, Turkey, 20-21 October 2022)
Organized by the International Association of Constitutional Law (IACL), the Union of Turkish Bar Associations (TBB)
In collaboration with the International Center for Comparative Environmental Law (CIDCE), the Association of Research on Constitutional Law (ARCL)
Venue: the Union of Turkish Bar Associations Conference Hall, İlhami Soysal Sokak No. 3, 06230, Balgat, Ankara, Turkey (and online).
Climate change has turned into a global crisis today, as it affects almost everything. States are facing many challenges regarding the climate crisis and other environmental issues both domestically and transnationally. Climate crisis and other environmental issues have a deep impact on law, and they have been raising the question, among others, to what extent the existing legal instruments and measures are necessary and effective in combating this problem.
Organized by the International Association of Constitutional Law (IACL), the Centre for European and Comparative Legal Studies (CECS), University of Copenhagen, and the Nordic network CONNOR 2030.
Contemporary challenges to constitutionalism in the Nordics
In collaboration with the University of Helsinki and the University of Lund
Venue: University of Copenhagen, Nørregade 10, Committee Room 3, 3rd floor, 1165 Copenhagen K, Denmark (and online).
We live in the era of digitalization and this has an immense impact on Constitutional Law. Fundamental principles such as rule of law, legal certainty, and democracy are challenged. New rights such as the ‘right to be forgotten’ and data protection appear. The institutions, their competences and separation of powers are affected by these developments. The preconditions of Constitutional Law and the context in which it functions are changing. Furthermore, digitalization prompts new research methods.
We dearly invite each and every one whocares about Gender Equality andemancipation to join our endeavours andparticipate at the conference.
Download this invitation and programme
Labinot Hajdari
PhD Candidate at the University of Warsaw in Poland, in Political Science andInternational Studies,holds a Master Degree in Diplomacy studies from theSouth East European University in North Macedonia, co-founder of KosovoCenter for Diplomacy and Founder of Kosovo International Summer Academy,member of the Editorial Board of a polish academic journal "PrzeglądEuropejski" ("European Review") and External Reviewer of the journal"Securitologia"
Join us on 9 October 2023 online or in Helsinki for a symposium on the challenges and synergies in biodiversity and animal law.
Link to the official program: https://events.spbu.ru/events/anons/identity/program.html?lang=Eng
In the contemporary world, globalization processes blur economic, social, cultural and other “state boundaries”. Apart from major advantages, they also bring about some global disadvantages, including the necessity to preserve cultural diversity as common heritage of mankind. On the national state level, the need to partly “re-establish” disappearing boundaries is inter alia mediated by introducing the notion of “constitutional identity”.
Constitutional identity is closely related to ethnic, religious, cultural, historical and political identity, but at the same time differs from them. In defining this phenomenon, many questions arise: should constitutional identity be future-oriented? What aspects of collective identity can underlie constitutional identity? What is the relationship between constitutional identity and national identity? What are the models of constitutional identity?
Organized by the IACL Research Group on Freedom of Speech and Alma Mater Europe
July 3-4, 2020 Virtual Conference
Cette table ronde de l'AIDC entièrement en ligne a été organisée sous forme de série de 9 webinaires du 18 au 26 novembre 2020.
À la clôture d’une année particulièrement éprouvante pour la démocratie libérale, cette table ronde a permis un moment de pause et de réflexion, non seulement sur les évènements de 2020, mais aussi de faire le bilan de la dernière décennie et de contempler la décennie à venir.
Avec 50 conférenciers venant de 5 continents, le programme était riche et varié. Les discussions ont abordé une gamme étendue de contextes et de défis nationaux peu étudiés, ce fut une conversation véritablement mondiale.
Webinaire 1 - Défis mondiaux: menaces et résilience – 18 novembre
Webinaire 2 – Défis mondiaux: un tour d'horizon – 18 novembre
Webinaire 3 – Amériques: déclin et résilience constitutionnel – 19 novembre
Webinaire 4 – Moyen-Orient et Afrique: constitutionnalisme, corruption et cours – 19 novembre
Webinaire 5 – Asie: voies constitutionnelles non linéaires – 24 novembre
Webinaire 6 – Europe: impatience et incertitude constitutionnel – 24 novembre
Webinaire 7 – Asie: l'Inde et le Sri Lanka en lumière – 25 novembre
Webinaire 8 – Europe: la Hongrie et la Pologne en lumière – 25 novembre
Webinaire 9 – Sauver la démocratie constitutionnelle: recours et renouvellement – 26 novembre
La table ronde a permis un échange ouvert et inclusif, qui a réuni d’éminents experts, de nouveaux talents, et des acteurs du domaine politique.
Cette inclusivité est intégrale à la mission de l'IACL, un réseau vraiment mondial pour les constitutionnalistes.
Tous les participants ont présenté un texte de 2.000 mots et l’ensemble des articles ont été publiés sous la forme d'un Colloque de Blog disponible sur le site web de la Table Ronde et, également, sur le blog de l’ IACL-AIDC.
Accédez au site Web ici
Inscrivez-vous grâce au lien ici
Prof. Wojciech Sadurski et Prof. agrégé Tom Gerald Daly
Professor Wojciech Sadurski
Challis Professor of Jurisprudence, University of Sydney and Professor at the University of Warsaw, member of the International Association of Constitutional Law (IACL) Executive Committee, and author of Poland’s Constitutional Breakdown (Oxford University Press, 2019).
Associate Professor Tom Gerald Daly
Deputy Director of Melbourne School of Government, Co-Editor of the IACL-AIDC Blog, and Director of Democratic Decay & Renewal (DEM-DEC; www.democratic-decay.org).
Call for Papers is closed
IACL-AIDC Junior Scholars Forum has been postponed to 5-6 July 2021
The International Association of Constitutional Law (IACL-AIDC) is pleased to announce its inaugural Junior Scholars Forum to be held at the National University of Singapore on 2-3 July 2020, in collaboration with the National University of Singapore Faculty of Law’s Centre for Asian Legal Studies and Melbourne Law School’s Centre for Comparative Constitutional Studies. The Forum aims to provide junior constitutional law scholars with a platform (a) to develop their scholarship and interest in constitutional law, (b) to connect with other junior scholars from around the world, in particular bridging the gap between scholars located in the ‘Global North’ and ‘Global South’, and (c) to receive feedback on their research and writing from distinguished scholars in the field.
Le forum des jeunes chercheurs a été reporté aux 5-6 juillet 2021
L'Association Internationale de Droit Constitutionnel (IACL-AIDC) a le plaisir d'annoncer que son premier Forum des jeunes chercheurs aura lieu à l'Université nationale de Singapour les 2 et 3 juillet 2020. Il est organisé en collaboration avec le Centre for Asian Legal Studies de la Faculté de droit de l'Université nationale de Singapour et le Centre for Comparative Constitutional Studies de la Melbourne Law School. Le Forum vise à proposer aux jeunes chercheurs en droit constitutionnel une plateforme en vue de leur permettre (a) de développer leurs recherches en droit constitutionnel, (b) de rencontrer d'autres jeunes chercheurs, et en particulier de faire se rencontrer ceux venus des pays du "Nord" et des pays du "Sud", et (c) de recevoir des commentaires sur leurs recherches de la part d’experts reconnus internationalement.
Site internet officiel: https://wccl.co.za/
Plus de détails bientôt.
Bocconi University | Room AS03 | via Röntgen 1
13 - 14 June 2019
Table ronde de l’IACL: ' Les défis constitutionnels des processus de migration'
24 26 octobre 2019 – Cusco, Pérou
IACL Roundtable
In conjunction with the US Association of Constitutional Law at the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law, New York City
March 31- April 1, 2019
Congrès Mondial de l'AIDC - 18 au 22 juin 2018
Le Xe Congrès Mondial de l'Association Internationale de Droit Constitutionnel (AIDC) se tiendra du 18 au 22 juin 2018 à Séoul, en Corée.